Sunday, December 13, 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Final Paper

"Terre Foissonnante" - Jean Dubuffet mp3

Jean Dubuffet: Experiments In Music

For my final paper, I wrote about painter/sculptor Jean Dubuffet and his experiments with sound and music and I analyzed his piece entitled "Terre Foissonnante".

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Unnamed Sound

Click here for MP3

For this project, I took the Route 11 bus on Howell avenue going Southbound to a friend's house. I recorded my sounds around his house on Van Beck avenue. I stuck my microphones into a large PVC pipe in the backyard and waited for something interesting. Most of the noises I caught were either too obvious, or weren't impressive, but after awhile, I got something good. The clip is short because most of the recording was just the sound of wind in the pipe, so expanding the clip would have been pointless. I got the piece I wanted, short as it may be. The bus ride was, to me, nothing special as I take the bus everywhere I go anyhow. To some it's an experience, to some it's frightening, to me, it's part of life.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Field Recording -- Drift

Ohio Ave & Quincy Ave 4:30pm 10/20/09 (00:30)
Voice Recording 1

Tunnel - Quincy Ave 4:50pm 10/20/09 (00:46)
Voice Recording 2

Humboldt Park Elementary 11:45am 10/21/09 (00:29)
Voice Recording 3

My drift strategy was what I called "The Card Drift". It simply was using a deck of cards to determine where I went. I decided direction based on color, and number of blocks determined by the number on the card. Red meant I went left, black meant I went right. For example, If I received a black two of diamonds, I went right for two blocks. If I got a red six of diamonds, I went left for 6 blocks. If I got an Ace, I went one block, a King, Queen, Jack or Joker meant I got to go anyway I wanted to. I didn't follow this drift the entire time, especially if I saw or heard a place I wanted to record, but it got me started.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Found Sound project

September 27th, 2009

Click here for .aiff (Mac)

Click here for .wav (Windows)

Here is my paragraph's for my project as well.

For my found audio project I took a different approach than some, I went with an emotion that wasn't on the list of suggestions. Instead of trying to re-create the sounds of an event in my life, I'm trying to re-create with sounds, the emotions I went through when a good friend and loved one decided she no longer wanted anything to do with me and wanted out of my life. What was truly hard about this project was sitting down and listening to the sounds and figuring out which ones triggered my brain to revert back to this time, and which could symbolize inner turmoil. I knew two things going into this edit, 1) I wanted a transition from soft and light into loud to raise tension and 2) I knew I wanted a middle section that was loud, annoying and hard to listen to.

Most of the sounds I had to listen to more than once. It was so hard to find sounds that were "right" for what I needed. It was almost like I could hear the final piece in my head, but I couldn't find what I needed to create it. I was trying to faithfully re-create this time of extreme emotion, but I couldn't. I can describe perfectly how I felt. I went from being optimistic and happy, but as the news got closer and closer to sinking in, this feeling began to alter. My heart rate increased and then, for a moment, I felt almost nothing. Then boom! I felt so much in such a small time. I said things I didn't mean, I felt things I didn't want to feel. I couldn't control myself, but just as quickly as this came, it faded out into a feeling of nothingness once again. It was one of the worst inner experiences of my life. I feel as I got a feel of what the other students were doing, coupled with their suggestions, and reflecting back on the incident, the project became easier. The sounds started sounding different to me, and the possibilities with what I could do with them improved as well.